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Friday, June 17, 2016

Take the Day Off!

This is the grown-up version of Let the Children Play! If every single day starts with looking at your calendar, you are too busy! When was the last time you woke up when you wanted to wake up (no alarm clock) and just did whatever you wanted all day long? For most people, I am sure it has been a very long time!

The question is –If all your responsibilities went away, what would you do with 24 hours? The answer will be very personal. I know some people who would say “Sleep all day!” and others who would say “Get up early and get going!” So think about it – dream big – and start finding a way to carve out an entire day to just relax.

We all have the same amount of time – 24 hours a day, so no excuses. Your chores will still be there when you finish relaxing. Everybody needs a break! The real secret to planning a day off is to resolve not to feel guilty about it! Consider it a necessity and put it on your To Do List right away.

There are two ways to go about having a Day Off -- (1) put a big red X on the calendar so that you have a completely free day – and then wait until you wake up to decide what to do, or (2) plan all your favorite activities that you have been putting off. Think about all the things you don’t do because they aren’t on your schedule. Make a list of how you would complete these sentences: “If I had the time, I would love to…”, or “Someday I would love to….”

Many people are responsible for children, and can’t just take a day off. This is harder to manage, but it can be done! A couple can take turns having the day off, or swap with another couple so you each get a day off together. If you are a single parent, trade babysitting with a friend. Win-win!

Are you frozen because you can’t think of what you’d do? A fabulous way to get someone else to plan your day off is to go on retreat. There are even silent retreats for those of you who want to retreat completely from all the noise! Inspiration and solitude will work wonders for many people. You will be amazed at how refreshed your soul will feel after a day on retreat.

For those of you who need to have a plan, start now. Plan to be spontaneous… I know that’s an oxymoron, but for some people it may be the only way you can relax. Schedules keep many of us (and you know who you are) comfortable and secure. We know what we are going to do, and who we will share the experience with. If you are starting to hyperventilate at the thought of having 24 hours to fill, start small. Just carve out one work day, or the time from when you drop the kids off at school or camp until you pick them up at the end of their day. This is the adult version of “playing hooky” and can be very energizing!

You owe it to yourself and your family to get refreshed. Enjoy your day off!


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