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Friday, June 17, 2016

Take the Day Off!

This is the grown-up version of Let the Children Play! If every single day starts with looking at your calendar, you are too busy! When was the last time you woke up when you wanted to wake up (no alarm clock) and just did whatever you wanted all day long? For most people, I am sure it has been a very long time!

The question is –If all your responsibilities went away, what would you do with 24 hours? The answer will be very personal. I know some people who would say “Sleep all day!” and others who would say “Get up early and get going!” So think about it – dream big – and start finding a way to carve out an entire day to just relax.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Praying for Orlando

In word association games, you blurt out the first word that comes to mind when you hear the key word. Up until Sunday, I would bet that most people would have said “Disney World” or “Fun” when asked what word came to mind when you hear “Orlando.” Life changed on Sunday. Now it is the site of a horrific massacre, and Orlando is on all our hearts as a great tragedy.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Let the Children Play!

Our children need to play more! Get them outside in the fresh air and let them play! As parents we think of lots of activities for our kids, and they usually involve a class or a team -- organized activities. I was going to write a blog on Things to Do in the Summer – ideas for keeping kids busy. This TED Talk that I watched changed my whole focus…

Dr. Peter Grey of Boston College does research on the value and effects of play. His focus is the biological and anthropological perspective, but he drives home the application of his research to kids today. Here’s the link to the Talk so you can see for yourself. He makes a great argument for more time for kids to play!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thank a Teacher Today!

Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending my sister’s retirement from teaching in Gwinett County, Georgia. In her farewell message, she pointed out that when you combine all our careers, our family has contributed almost 200 years to the teaching profession! That’s quite a contribution to this country from my father whose parents were immigrants from Ireland and England in the early 1900s!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Thoughts on Caring for Widows

Have you ever been in church and been touched by the sermon—start discussing it with someone—and realize that they didn’t hear the same thing you did? This happens to me a lot, and I attribute it to reading between the lines. Divine inspiration, perhaps? Certainly not daydreaming!!!

Today I came away thinking about widows and how my particular experience colors the way I see things. I was widowed almost six years ago. Believe me; nothing prepares you for that sudden change in life.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Voting Matters

I have taken a little vacation, and had some time to ponder why this election year has been so mind-boggling. I have never felt as though I had let my country down… until now. I have not been informed adequately about how things work, I have not written enough letters or ever spoken to my representatives, and I have certainly not become invested in the political system. I have a feeling that I am not alone in being an uninformed and uninvolved voter. I have spent a lifetime trusting “the system” and am now finding out that the system is broken.