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Monday, November 21, 2016

Transition -- just the name makes me nervous!

I admit it – I got caught up in the everyday announcements and speculations about the new Cabinet. I heard names being vetted on morning talk shows, and I started to get very nervous. Deep inside, I got bad vibes every time I heard them talk about the Transition. Now I understand -- I am now taking a new view of this -- one that I can identify with.

Ladies, do you remember that horrible few minutes during child birth called TRANSITION? Everything gets out of whack. You don’t know what you want; you just know that you aren’t happy. You snap at your spouse and generally want to climb out of your skin. It’s the time when you say, “I changed my mind – I don’t want to have this baby today!” In a very short time, you go from being pregnant to being a parent.

We had over a year to get to know Candidate Trump, and now we have a President-Elect Trump, and are waiting for him to become reborn as The President. The Founding Fathers gave the President a lot of time to get his team together between the election and the Inauguration because it is a formidable task. Unfortunately for our President-Elect, this transition is much longer than the scene in the delivery room, and much more public. Every misstep is going to be broadcast and analyzed. There is no turning back, no place to hide, no time to think. Folks, we are in full-blown transition – panic mode!

As responsible citizens in a democracy, we have an obligation to be informed of our rights and our leaders. As with anything of importance today, if you see something, say something! The question is -- to whom do you say something? I would suggest that the proper people are those who can do something about it -- your Congressman or Senator. Our political leaders will have to work with the new administration, and have a vested interest in seeing good people appointed. If you have an issue or concern, talk to people who are supposed to represent you! When we simply complain to our family and friends, we spread the fear and misery around, and it doesn't make a difference. Make your voice heard!

As to the day-to-day decision-making and appointments, I feel like a voyeur, watching this happen, so I am going to take a huge step back and let the Transition Team do their job. I am going to wait in the waiting room with my balloons and let them work it out.

While we are waiting, there is still work to be done. Let’s pray for our nation. We need strong leaders to step up and lead in our homes, our schools, our communities. We need to read the Constitution again, and think about what our country stands for. We need to listen more. Read more. Love always.


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