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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Time to Change the World!

Changing the entire world is a daunting task – one fit for a Super Hero! It is one of those things that we look at and say – Not me! There are heroes throughout history who literally changed the world. But then there are people like us. What can we do?

As the Chinese proverb says, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. No one single thing that we do will change the world, but nothing gets done without those first steps.

1. Adjust our attitudes. People seem to be staking out a position and taking it quite personally when others disagree. The solution seems to be talking louder if someone disagrees! When we talk with the purpose of understanding, rather than converting the other person to our way of thinking, minds open. We need to listen more.

2. Be present and informed. Look at the people around you. Try to see them as people first, not as part of a demographic. I am blessed to live in a very diverse community. We all fear the things and people we do not know or understand, so try to talk with people who think differently than you do. Look for understanding. If you get all your news and experiences from the same sources, you will only identify with people who look and think like you.

3. Communicate. Know what you believe, what your values are, and what you hope for the future, but accept that there will be people who disagree with you. Hatred has no acceptable place in society. If people are to know that we are Christians by our love for one another, how can we condemn everyone who disagrees with us?

Bring God back into the conversation. Let Him be a natural part of our culture. This awareness of our Christian beliefs and values will make our conversations productive. There are some really good people on both sides of every argument and issue. Don’t be afraid to express your religious views because they are a real part of your value system. But realize that others have religious beliefs that they hold just as dear.

4. Decide to make a positive difference in the world. Apart from what happens in the government, the real change we need is in our homes and in our towns and cities. We need to teach our children about compassion, justice, fairness, patience, and brotherly love. Make it a habit to do good deeds. Look for opportunities to help others and show kindness. Go out on a limb and give others the benefit of the doubt.

You don’t have to do great things to make a big difference in another person’s life because it’s often the little things that count the most. If we each touch the small part of the world where we live, the impact will start to thaw the chill on our culture. Kindness spreads. According to Micah 6:8, “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”


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